Tuesday, 20 October 2009

All The Better To See You With My Dear

So for Mama I made a glasses chain so that she wouldn't lose her specs as she goes about her daily biz. Very simple concept and incredibly easy to make. All I had to do was choose the colour (red) which suits wee Mum's red trainers and add a few silver rose beads and hey presto!

I added a couple of dangly details (the wee Made With Love tag) and two butterfly wings hanging back to back to give a bit of texture and add another dimension to the piece (that sounds very space-y - adding "another dimension!").
Anyway it's a hit with me as it's speedy to make, pretty and practical!



  1. The chain is really lovely, but only today I broke the leg off the glasses!! I superglued it together but time will tell if it's a good job or not.
    The clain will be quickly moved to another pair of specs if my glue job is unsuccessful.
    Love it madly. Thanks Poog. Mama xox

  2. It's such a lovely piece Poog! Mum wears it all the time and really suits the red :D definitely love the colour scheme and everything - fab! love love!xx

  3. very arty photos, very cool poog.

    and mum looks super-cute!!

